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Decoding Sweetness and Exploring Acidity

Workshop Description

It's easy to agree that in recent years, two of the most important sensory characteristics of specialty coffee have been the attributes we call "sweetness" and "acidity." But we are still learning how coffee tasters perceive sweetness and which acids are actually in coffee (as well as how to recognize them). This lecture and workshop draws on emerging knowledge from research by the Coffee Science Foundation and beyond, to better understand coffee's chemistry, sensory attributes, and sweetness.

Date: Sunday, April 14, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Room Number:


Brandon Bir (he/him)
Director of Sustainability, Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea

Brandon Bir is a coffee and sustainability professional with a passion for equality and international community development. When not traveling to coffee-growing countries to teach classes focused on quality and sensory science or working towards zero waste at the SCA Campus in Columbus, Bir can be found representing Crimson Cup speaking to students at universities and events around the world.
In his role as Director of Sustainability, Bir develops new sustainable practices for all professionals on the value chain in coffee. Brandon is a certified Assistant Q-instructor, SCA Content Creator, and holds an master’s from the University of Wisconsin.

April 14

The Dynamics of Roasting: Impact of Specific Roast Profiles on Acidity and Color

April 14

Aroma Quality Markers: Determining the Cause of Floral/Bergamot Aroma in Panama Geisha