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Delving into Coffee Sweetness Perception: Insights from Sensory and Chemical Analysis

Lecture Description

Sweetness plays a crucial role in defining the flavor profile of coffee, exerting a significant influence on its quality. Nevertheless, our understanding of the specific compounds driving sweetness perception in coffee remains limited. This lecture explores the intricate relationship between sensory evaluation and chemical composition, elucidating some factors contributing to sweetness perception in coffee. By conducting sensory analyses with coffee professionals from diverse geographical origins and comprehensive chemical profiling, we aim to disclose preliminary insights into the characterization of sweetness perception in brewed coffee. Moreover, leveraging untargeted flavoromics analysis, we will explore non-volatile compounds as potential markers associated with sweetness intensity. This lecture serves as a platform to disseminate the latest advancements in understanding coffee sweetness perception and set the stage for future research into the dynamics of coffee sweetness.

Date: Friday, April 12, 2024
9:00am - 10:00am
Room Number:


Nancy Cordoba (she/her)
PhD in Biosciences, Universidad de La Sabana

Nancy is a researcher and Ph.D. in Biosciences from Universidad de La Sabana, born and raised in the Andes Mountains ranges of Nariño, south-west of Colombia, a coffee region widely recognized for its quality and strong cultural tradition. She earned a Master of Science Degree in Process Design and Management, a major in Bioprocesses, and a Bachelor’s degree in Agroindustrial Engineering. She has profound theoretical and on-the-field experience in coffee post-harvest processing, and she is Q-Processing certified. As a winner of the National Doctoral Fellowship Program from Colombia’s Ministry of Science, she developed a research project on the chemical and sensory effects of extraction variables for cold and hot coffee brewing methods. She has been focusing on studying coffee extraction and linking sensory science & food technology to incorporate innovative processes to produce diverse coffee beverages focused on generated new drinking experiences.

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