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On Bird Conservation in Coffee: A Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Migratory Birds and Coffee Cultivation

Lecture Description

Over the last 50 years, North America has lost 3 billion birds, accounting for more than 1/3 of the population. The reasons for this decline are numerous; however, in this lecture, we will explore current research into how the cultivation of coffee plays a part in this highly worrisome trend. Furthermore, we will delve into the different market drivers that are pushing farmers away from traditional shade- grown techniques into more intensive, full- sun methodologies and why a reversal of this swing could be immensely positive for migratory birds and farmers alike.

Date: Sunday, April 14, 2024
Time: 10:15am - 11:15am
Room Number: S401D


Matt Ehresman (he/him)
Founder, Little Martian Coffee Project

Matt Ehresman is a certified Q-grader and 17-year coffee industry veteran. He was the Head of Quality at Victrola Coffee Roasters in Seattle and owned and operated the Hart Coffee Company Roastery. Recently, to gain a better understanding of the conservation efforts he has long been advocating for, Matt took a job in Land Management at a Nature Center in Wisconsin, where he has been working and learning for the past two years. Concurrently, he has been building a 100% renewable energy based roastery; the Little Martian Coffee Project.

Cheyenne R Smith (she/her)
Educator, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center

Cheyenne Smith is an Avian Educator at Schlitz Audubon Nature Center in Milwaukee, WI and has a degree in Wildlife Biology with 5+ years in avian research. Her present role involves caring for and training captive birds of prey, presenting public outreach programs and adult workshops, and creating educational content on bird conservation. She has also worked in coffee and training for over 10 years, and continues to work as a barista with Colectivo Coffee Roasters.

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