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Testing and Tasting the Standards: A Comprehensive View Of Green Coffee Defects

Description: In this hands-on workshop, we will start by reviewing the Green Arabica Coffee Classification System (GACCS) and how green coffee is sorted at origin before it is exported. Attendees will have the opportunity to sort green coffee samples, identify and classify defects. Next, we will explore the correlation between green coffee defects and cup quality; we will cup coffee samples with different percentages of defects to understand the real impact of these beans in the cup.

Date: Friday, April 12, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Room Number: S503
Category: Science


Camila Khalife (she/her)
Coffee Quality Specialist, Botanica

Camila Khalife is based in Quito, Ecuador. She started her career in coffee 10 years ago, first as a barista and coffee educator, and later on specialized in coffee quality. She is a Q Grader and a certified WBC Sensory Judge. She’s also the founder of Botanica, a café, quality lab & training center based in Quito. Camila has experience sourcing and processing Ecuadorian coffee and has worked closely with producers from all over the country. She’s also the Communications Lead & Programs Co-Lead of The Chain Collaborative, an organization focused on community-led development in the coffee sector.

Todd Arnette (he/him)
Q Instructor & Value Chain Consultant, Academy of Coffee Excellence

Todd Arnette has been in the coffee industry since 1995. Owner of the Academy of Coffee Excellence and Quality Evaluation Manager for CQI has enabled Mr. Arnette to work closely with Producers, Importers and Roasters at origin, in training labs and roasteries around the world. Areas of expertise include: Post-Harvest Processing and Green Coffee Quality Evaluation, Green Coffee Buying, Production Roasting & Coffee Product Development, Food Safety Hazard Analysis Planning & Implementation – aligned with SQF and US FDA Food Safety Law. Mr. Arnette has attended all Roasters Guld Retreats except for 3 and encourages you to stay connected and involved.

April 12

Conatradec Nicaragua Cupping

April 12

The Green Coffee Lifespan