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Characterization of the Resistance to Coffee Leaf Rust (Hemileia Vastatrix) of Five Coffee Genotypes (Coffea Arabica) of Interest for IHCAFE – WCR

Lecture Description

The objective was to characterize both the horizontal and vertical resistance to coffee leaf rust (H. vastatrix) of five varieties of brazilian origin with potential for release in Honduras, under laboratory conditions. First, 6 complexes pathotypes of Hemileia vastatrix were isolated in laboratory, with each of which simultaneous evaluations were carried out on the different coffee varieties, as follows: The experimental design was random, with 24 experimental units, 6 treatments (coffee genotypes), 4 repetitions per treatment (acrylic gerbox with 10 leaf discs). The treatments were the varieties of interest inoculated with H. vastatrix; T1: Catuaí (control); T2: Catiguá MG 2; T3: MGS Aranás; T4: Pau-Brasil MG1; T5: Paraíso MG H 419-1 and T6: Anacafé 14. The experiment lasted 50 days, in which qualitative and quantitative variables such as immunity, incubation period, latency period and degree of sporulation, infection rate and sporulation rate of coffee leaf rust were measured.  The results indicated that the MGS Aranás variety was superior to all, since it was immune to all pathotypes of Hemileia vastatrix, presenting vertical or complete resistance, while the varieties Catigua 2, Paraíso 1, Anacafé, were intermediate, presenting percentages of susceptibility to H.v. less than 10% to some pathotypes of H.v. While the Pau Brasil variety was inferior to all the previous ones, since it presented susceptibility to all the Hv pathotypes under evaluation, however its horizontal resistance was higher than the Catuaí variety, the control variety of the experiment.

Date: Sunday, April 14, 2024
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Room Number: S402AB


Cristian Lizardo (he/him)
Coffee Researcher, Honduran Coffee Institute

Cristian Yizard Lizardo Chávez. Agricultural Engineer, Magister Scientiae in Entomology, Phytoprotection Specialist, is graduated from the Federal University of Viçosa, M.G. Brazil. He has been an employee of the Honduran Coffee Institute since 2008, where he has worked as Extensionist, Researcher and he currently holds the position of Chief of the Research and Development Department. He has Sixteen years of experience in coffee cultivation, he has worked on studies of the enzymatic activity of insects, insect-plant interaction, insect taxonomy, also in the characterization of pathotypes of H. vastatrix, pathogenesis, genetic resistance and epidemiology of the main coffee diseases.

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