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Mapping Your Carbon Footprint: How to Do It and Where to Begin!

Lecture Description

Let’s talk sustainability and mapping your carbon footprint! In this lecture, geared towards roasters and coffee retailers, we’ll discuss the importance of measuring your carbon footprint, helping you make sense of the many indicators and which ones to start working with. We will also provide some tools to help you begin tracking your business’ carbon footprint, ending with a discussion of what to do with the information you’ll soon be tracking. Ideal for those businesses who have started to think about sustainability and want to start tracking their carbon footprints (or understand why they might do so for their sustainability journey), although we welcome folks at any point along their sustainability journey.

Date: Sunday, April 14, 2024
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Room Number: S403AB


Pedro Manga

Pedro is the Sustainability Coordinator for Caravela Coffee, responsible for mapping Caravela's own carbon footprint both for internal use and also to satisfy the One Carbon World and other business and sustainability standards like B Corp and Ecovadis. He works closely with Caravela's technical assistance team on the ground to collect data from over 600 farms throughout Latin America AND make sense of all the data in a way that's understandable and actionable. Pedro also maps Caravela's own carbon footprint as a company - he has developed templates and tools to map each individual employee's carbon footprint -- these tools are what we will be sharing with the workshop, as well as the know-how to navigate the often-confusing world of carbon footprints - both the WHY and HOW of it.

Pedro has an extensive sustainability background that extends beyond coffee and is a thoughtful educator who connects well with everyone he meets.

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