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Building Sustainable Communities and Environments Through Coffee

Lecture Description

This lecture touches on the significance of community and environmental sustainability, and the role of business owners within these efforts. When individuals think about sustainability, it’s often about human impact on the Earth and natural environment, and while Jesse will touch on this issue, he also desires to discuss the importance of community sustainability.

Community sustainabilIty describes the responsibility business owners possess to ensure their endeavors support the surrounding community and local residents in a healthy and equitable way. This pertains not only to sustainable business practices such as hiring locally, prioritizing DEI, and sourcing local manufacturers, farmers and partners, but to the importance of remaining community-minded as businesses scale, begin to purchase properties and hold stake in the city’s economy on a larger scale.

Businesses small and large, have influence, but as they grow, influence and responsibility will grow as well. Businesses must also keep in mind that the larger they grow, the more waste they will produce. Jesse will discuss ways businesses can minimize waste as they scale and care for their communities. It is essential for business owners to do their part to minimize waste and encourage sustainability, both environmentally and communally.

Date: Friday, April 12, 2024
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Room Number: N426C


Jesse Íñiguez (he/him)
Owner and Director of Coffee Operations, Back of the Yards Coffee Company

Jesse Íñiguez is the Owner & Director of Coffee Operations at Back of the Yards Coffee Co. (BOTYC), a specialty coffee company located in Chicago's Back of the Yards. Established in 2016, BOTYC’s mission is to provide premium coffee products while increasing the quality of life for surrounding communities.

Born and raised in Back of the Yards, Jesse understands the importance of uplifting his neighborhood and ensuring equity through infrastructure. He’s a trusted community leader creating profitable and sustainable business models that create jobs, stimulate the local economy, prioritize the planet, and offer positive social impact, all without sacrificing the culture.

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