SCA Lecture Series

Choose from Over 50 Lecture Sessions at Expo

About SCA Lectures

SCA Lectures are educational presentations given by respected experts who inspire, educate, and motivate coffee professionals. Lecturers and panelists should strive to help audience members expand their coffee knowledge, as well as to set and reach goals for themselves and their businesses. Many of the most consistently popular lectures offer practical approaches to addressing challenges and opportunities faced by specialty coffee industry actors.

Lecture Topics & Examples of Past Lectures

  • Connecting the Data Dots: Introducing State of the Smallholder Coffee Farmer Platform and Report

    This session will present State of the Smallholder Coffee Farmer Platform, an open access data resource for coffee farmers and other actors along the coffee value chain, and accompanying report. Designed to facilitate enhanced decision making, this initiative seeks to remove barriers to equitable information sharing— including those structures preventing producers from accessing their own data. Currently a pilot focused on Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras, initial results stem from extensive review, analysis and synthesis of data about smallholders in these countries. The work complements other initiatives. However, instead of emphasizing upstream sustainability efforts and goals, this research centers on realities downstream to draw a more holistic and inclusive picture of coffee smallholders and their livelihoods. The platform and the report are also available in Spanish.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Attendees will gain an understanding of the existing social, economic, and environmental data on coffee smallholders in Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala, and the opportunities and limitations of the data.

    2. Attendees will be introduced to the State of the Smallholder Coffee Farmer Platform and Report, and learn about how they were developed, through ‘data trawling’ and interviews with multiple actors along the coffee value chain.

    3. Attendees will have the opportunity to test and provide feedback about the platform.

  • Electrochemistry as a method to measure qualities and quantities in coffee extraction

    Coffee extracts contain thousands of different compounds, many of which contribute to the quality of the flavor profile. Minor fluctuations in the ratios of these compounds gives rise to major differences in perceived flavor. However, to date the industry is only able to measure the average total solvated mass (%TDS), or use cost prohibitive and slow chromatography methods. Electrochemistry offers one route to measuring coffee components in real time, and provides insights into both the quantity of compounds as well as their identity. Together, our approach provides unparalleled insight into what is solvated in the cup, while also being very cheap to build and operate. This talk will cover the fundamentals of electrochemistry, a demonstration of its utility, and a real-time demonstration.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. The audience will learn the fundamentals of electrochemistry.

    2. The audience will learn the challenges of quantifying coffee extraction.

    3. The audience will see a real-time example of electrochemical measurements of coffee.

  • The coffee industry has experienced an incredibly volatile NY ”C” market following the Brazil frosts in July 2021, and it is important for exporters and producers to understand changing market conditions so that appropriate trading decisions can be made. This presentation will provide participants with an overview of global supply and demand. We will take an in-depth look at fundamentals, macro factors, fund positioning and technicals—all factors that strongly influence coffee market prices. We will dissect origin production figures, global demand, differential trends, macroeconomic factors, fund positioning, arbitrage, spreads and certified stocks. The market information we present will hopefully provide producers and exporters with the resources and information to manage risk and execute successful trades.

    Learning Objectives:

    1.  Participants will gain an understanding of the myriad of factors that influence the NY “C” market: fundamentals, macro, positioning and technicals.

    2. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of production trends of the world’s largest producing origins and see how global supply and demand creates surplus/deficit situations that influence the market.

    3. Participants will gain valuable market information that will help them make appropriate trading decisions in the upcoming year.

SCA Lecture Series Schedule

Please note that times are displayed in Central Standard Time (CST) zone and may be displayed in your local timezone when added to personal calendars.

April 25, 2025

April 26, 2025

April 27, 2025