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Collaborative Approaches to EUDR: How the Supply Chain Can Support Farmers to Ensure a Just Transition

Lecture Description

Incentivizing efforts to prevent deforestation is a critical climate solution, as global deforestation is a major driver of climate change and biodiversity loss. However, the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), in practice, unintentionally places the burden of compliance on smallholder farmers, who are among the least responsible for climate change.

Actors from across the value chain must come together to support smallholder coffee farmers as we collectively work to end deforestation, while also ensuring that these farmers are not unduly strained by the requirements necessary for them to continue exporting their coffee into the European Union.

This panel will discuss how various players within the supply chain can work both together and independently to support smallholder farmers to ensure coffee is deforestation-free. Representatives from various sectors–from a lender and technical advisor, to a buyer, nature-tech company, and certification body–will offer their unique perspectives on the role and responsibility they have to ensure a just transition. Finally, we will hear directly from a representative of a producer organization who will share their position on the regulation and highlight how they can be best supported by actors throughout the value chain.

Date: Sunday April 27, 2025
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Room 352DEF

Access: This lecture is free to attend with a Specialty Coffee Expo entry badge. Register to attend Specialty Coffee Expo here.
Please note that lecture sessions are open on a first-come, first-served basis. Early arrival is highly recommended to secure your seat.


Elizabeth Teague

Elizabeth Teague is Senior Director of Climate Resilience at Root Capital. Elizabeth oversees Root Capital’s social and environmental due diligence and climate strategy, and is spearheading Root Capital’s work to support agricultural businesses comply with EUDR regulations.

Juan Pablo Solís Víquez

Juan Pablo Solís Víquez is Senior Advisor for Climate and Environment at Fairtrade International. He is the lead advisor on Fairtrade International’s climate and environmental strategies. Fairtrade International is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder organization with a mission of connecting disadvantaged producers and consumers, promoting fairer trading conditions, and empowering producers to combat poverty.

Roumaldo Pérez

Roumaldo Pérez is the General Manager of La Asociación Chajulense V’al Vaq Quyol, a coffee cooperative located in Quiché, Guatemala. The organization offers its members technical assistance, agricultural inputs, and credit to contribute to improving their quality of life and that of their families. Roumaldo will be able to speak firsthand to the impact of EUDR, and will share how various actors throughout the supply chain can support smallholder farmers.

Nanne Tolsma

Nanne Tolsma is the Business Development Director of Satelligence. He leads Satelligence’s major business-to-business partnerships. Satelligence is a satellite-powered geo-data analytics company delivering real-time insights into global agricultural production and supply chain risks, including deforestation and carbon.

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