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Unraveling Cup Quality of Wild Varieties Half Wild Hybrids Conserved at Coffee Genebank by Agronomic Institute (IAC) in Brazil

Lecture Description

Although coffee quality depends on several factors including genetic constitution of coffee variety, environmental conditions, technological procedures adopted in crop management and post-harvest processing, it’s very known that coffee variety is an important factor that contributes to defining the agronomic and cup quality performance.

Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC), in Sao Paulo Estate, is the oldest Brazilian institution for coffee research that maintain a big Coffee Germplasm Collection, so important for coffee breeding. Many efforts have been intensified to study Genotype x Environment interaction effects on the coffee quality.

Coffee varieties from Ethiopia, India, Kenya and some hybrids have been compared in different environmental conditions aiming to know the agronomical and technological performance, emphasizing the cup quality and exotic sensory profile. Preliminary results from different field experiments are promising and indicated that several varieties scoring up to 90 SCA points, confirming the genotype effects on cup quality.

In the first part of this lecture, it will be presented how IAC Specialty Coffee Program explore the Coffee Germplasm aiming to select coffee varieties with differentiated cup quality. In the second, it will be present some results obtained in field trials, showing exotic flavors and intrinsic sensory characteristics of each coffee variety.

Date: Friday, April 25, 2025
11:30am - 12:30pm
Room 362ABC

Access: This lecture is free to attend with a Specialty Coffee Expo entry badge. Register to attend Specialty Coffee Expo here.
Please note that lecture sessions are open on a first-come, first-served basis. Early arrival is highly recommended to secure your seat.


Gerson Giomo
Scientific Researcher, Agronomic Institute (IAC)

Gerson Giomo is a Scientific Researcher at Agronomic Institute (IAC) in Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil (IAC). He is an experienced Agronomist Engineer, Doctor in Agronomy at Sao Paulo State University, Post Doctor in Coffee Processing at Federal University of Lavras, SCA Cupping Judge, licensed Qgrader and coordinator of IAC Specialty Coffee Research Program.

Rebecca Nogueira

Rebecca Nogueira is a coffee educator, multi-consultant and professional cup judge. With a technical degree in coffee farming at Federal Institute of Southern Minas Gerais and a licensed Q-Grader. Graduated in the Faculty of Economics and Administration at University of São Paulo with a specialization in local development at the Sorbonne University in Paris. She is coordinator of the Coffee School at the Coffee Industry Union in São Paulo (SINDICAFÉ-SP).

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